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پروژه کامل شامل :
فایل محاسبات نرم افزار کریر
فایل ورد کلیه مراحل انجام پروژه همراه با توضیحات کامل
نقشه پلان اتوکد و pdf
فایل خروجی های نرم افزار
پروژه کریر carrier تهویه مطبوع مجتمع مسکونی ۲طبقه (کامل)
پروژه کامل شامل :
فایل محاسبات نرم افزار کریر
فایل ورد کلیه مراحل انجام پروژه همراه با توضیحات کامل
نقشه پلان اتوکد و pdf
فایل خروجی های نرم افزار
Powerline carrier (PLC) communications have been heralded by the FCC as the ‘‘3rd wire’’ to every
home, and have matured to the point of field trials and limited deployment. This paper examines the
technology from a techno-economic perspective, factoring in regulatory issues and network design
(focusing on the United States). Results indicate that PLC does not appear to represent a major disruptive
technology, especially from a price-performance perspective. In addition, a baseline stochastic model
created for the analysis shows that not only do competition and penetration matter, but locational
distribution (i.e., how many consumers can share upstream equipment) is critical in determining PLC’s